Student Services Building

Student Grievances

The LACCD Student Grievance Policy and Procedures (AP 5530) provides an equitable means to resolve student grievances. It is the process of filing a formal complaint against an alleged inappropriate action by a college faculty, administrator, or staff. The student bears the responsibility of providing the proof or evidence to substantiate a claim of inappropriate action.

The student grievance procedures does NOT apply to the following circumstances:

  • Challenge process for prerequisites, co-requisites, advisories and limitations on enrollment. Information on challenges to prerequisites is available from the Office of Academic Affairs.
  • Alleged violations of sexual harassment, actions dealing with alleged discrimination on the basis of ethnic group identification, religion, age, sex, color, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability. These complaints are handled through the LACCD Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
  • An appeal for residency determination. A completed Supplemental Residency Questionnaire Residency appeals should be filed with the Admissions and Records Office.
  • Eligibility, disqualification or reinstatement of financial aid. Procedures for Financial Aid Appeals including eligibility, disqualification or reinstatement of Financial Aid may be obtained in the Financial Aid Office.
  • Student Discipline: Actions dealing with student discipline are handled through the Office of Student Life.
  • Freedom of the Press: Issues pertaining to freedom of press and journalism are addressed in Administrative Regulation E-63 and Board Rules 9703 and 9704.
  • Employee Discipline. Students may file complaints about employee conduct with the appropriate administrator (see Board Rule 10101 -- Unsolicited Written Derogatory Communications).
  • Challenges of established LACCD policies, e.g. Board Rules and Administrative Regulations. Grievances regarding District policy, which are beyond the authority of a college president, shall be referred to the Chancellor or Chancellor's designee for appropriate handling and response.
  • Financial claims against the District. Financial claims need to be made through the Los Angeles Community College District Risk Management.

The LACCD Student Grievance Procedures apply to student request for course grade change. However, the process to request a course grade change is subject to the California Education Code Section 76224(a), which states:

“When grades are given for any course of instruction taught in a community college district, the grade given to each student shall be the grade determined by the instructor of the course and the determination of the student's grade by the instructor, in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith*, or incompetency, shall be final.”

* In general, there is no definitive definition of bad faith. However, bad faith may exist if there is neglect or refusal to fulfill some duty or obligation (e.g. ignoring student evaluation standards published in the course syllabus not prompted by an honest mistake).

Student Grievance Process

Students who meet the criteria for filing a student grievance as described above should complete the following steps:

Step 1: Complete the Student Grievance Checklist Form.

Step 2: Submit the completed Student Grievance Checklist form to Dr. Saadia Lagarde Porche in Admission and Records or via email.

For questions about the student grievance procedures, please contact the campus ombudspersons:

Dr. Saadia Lagarde Porche, Dean of Student Services
Phone: (323) 953-4000 Ext. 2011 | Student Services Bldg., Admissions and Records
Email: @email


The Ombudsperson serves as a facilitator of the grievance process and does not serve as an advocate for either the Grievant(s) or Respondent(s). The ombudsperson has no power to change a grade or assess the quality and quantity of student work for grading purposes. The Ombudsperson:

  1. Provides information to the student (grievant) and the Respondent(s) concerning the grievance procedures at any stage in the grievance process.
  2. May collect information, documents, and records pertinent to the case. The Ombudsperson may hold and facilitate meetings and discussions that may lead to a resolution of the grievance.
  3. Sits with the Grievance Hearing Committee and may answer questions upon request but shall not serve as a member or vote.
  4. Coordinates the preparation and conduct of the Grievance Hearing, including providing in-service training to committee members on hearing procedures and operation.
  5. Ensures that the entire grievance process is conducted in an orderly, fair, and respectful manner. The Ombudsperson shall have the authority to exclude from the hearing any individuals who fail to conduct themselves in an orderly, fair, and respectful manner.
  6. Shall assist the Grievant(s) in understanding the grievance procedures, filing the appropriate forms, meeting all the time lines of these procedures, communicating with college employees and officials, and participating in the hearing process.

Dean: Dr. Carol Kozeracki (323) 953-4000 ext. 2061 | Administration Bldg. Rm. 208C

  • Communication Studies: Sarah Crachiolo-Garcia (ext. 2969)
  • Counseling Courses: Edward Bird Song (ext. 2268)
  • English / ESL: Jeffrey Nishimura (ext. 2706)
  • Foreign Languages/Humanities: Mickey Hong (ext. 2736)
  • Learning Skills: Carol Kozeracki (Acting) (ext. 2061)
  • Philosophy: Julio Torres (ext. 2763)
  • Psychology: Rochelle Sechooler (ext. 2930)
  • Social Sciences: Anthony Clark (ext. 2949)

Dean: Dr. Thelma Day (323) 953-4000 ext. 2541 | Administration Bldg. Rm. 208B

  • Chemistry/Geophysical Sciences: Glen Baghdasarian (ext. 2600)
  • Life Sciences: Gregory Gonsalves (ext. 2796)
  • Math/CSIT/CTEL/CAOT: Kian Kaviani (ext. 2811)
  • Physics / Engineering: Jayesh Bhakta (ext. 2923)

Dean: Dr. Vi Ly (323) 953-4000 ext. 2060 | Administration Bldg. Rm. 208C

  • Cinema / Television: Jennifer Vaughn (ext. 2631)
  • Kinesiology/Health/Dance: Aykanush Gevanyan (ext. 2663)
  • Music: Christine Park (ext. 2887)
  • Theatre Arts: Tony Maggio (ext. 2983)
  • Visual & Media Arts: Alex Wiesenfeld (ext. 2513)

Dean: Dr. Armando Rivera-Figueroa (323) 953-4000 ext. 2596 | Administration Bldg. Rm. 208A

  • Business Administration: Britt Hastey (ext. 2547)
  • Child Development/Dietetics: Keli Miller (ext. 2299)
  • Dental Technology: Arax Cohen (ext. 2501)
  • Law/Administration of Justice: Wilhelm Vargas (ext. 2754)
  • Nursing: Christiana Baskaran (ext. 2537)
  • Radiologic Technology: Israel Fonseca (ext. 2942)

Dean: Dr. Anna Badalyan (323) 953-4000 ext. 2372 | Administration Bldg. Rm. 209

  • Library: Barbara Vasquez (ext. 2407)

Dean: Angelica Ramirez (323) 953-4000 ext. 2588

  • Non Credit
  • Adult Education
  • Basic Skills

You will be asked to discuss your written comments. Your comments briefly indicate the nature of your concern. You will also be asked to consider what sort of outcome you want to your concerns. Your concerns may be referred to someone else. The discussion is informal and the visit confidential.

Yes, the grievance process provides an opportunity for students to contest a course grade. A grade change is possible only if the professor has made a mistake, acted in bad faith, fraudulently, or incompetently.

The length of a student grievance process varies and could take several weeks, depending on the time of year. Student Grievances submitted during summer session, may not be heard until the Fall semester depending on the availability of the faculty.

The statute of limitations period for requesting a Grievance Hearing under this regulation is one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after the occurrence of the incident giving rise to the grievance; or one hundred twenty (120) calendar days after the student learns, or should have learned, that the student has a basis for filing a grievance.

The grievance committee and the grievance appeals committee can only a make recommendation to the college president. The college president makes the final decision based on the committee’s recommendation.

Report a Problem

If you are experiencing issues with the Student Information System (SIS) student portal, you may report your problem by completing this form.

Submit a General Petition

Request a change to your permanent record by submitting a General Petition Form.

Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 2:00PM
Saturdays and Sundays: Closed

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 6:00PM
Fridays: 8:00PM - 2:00PM
Saturdays and Sundays: Closed

Student Services Building, 1st Floor
Los Angeles City College
855 N. Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90029


Email: @email
Phone: (888) 930-LACC or (888) 930-5222
Fax: (323) 953-4021

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