CCCP Scholars Program

UCLA Center for Community College Partnerships (CCCP) at LACC Transfer Center collaborate to deliver CCCP's transfer services. CCCP SITE LITE Scholars Program 2021-22 is VIRTUAL. UCLA Center for Community College Partnerships (CCCP) at LACC Transfer Center collaborate to deliver CCCP's transfer services. CCCP SITE LITE Scholars Program 2021-22 is VIRTUAL.


The CCCP Scholars program aims to motivate, inform, and prepare students to transfer from a California community college to selective Top Tier Research institutions such as UCLA. The program is grounded in Critical Race Theory in Education, academic excellence, social justice, and educational equity. Some of the benefits include:

  • Guidance on how to maximize academic programs at your community college
  • In depth information on the transfer and application process to UC/UCLA
  • Research and pre-graduate opportunities and career exploration
  • Invitation to exclusive Webinars, Activities and Opportunities
  • Access to a peer advisor who has successfully transferred to UCLA and a supportive community of staff and peers
  • CCCP Scholars have a higher rate of admissions to selective institutions and might be eligible for special scholarships

CCCP Scholars Application Requirements

UCLA CCCP Scholars program is now accepting applications – the next application is due April 15th 2022 for the Summer Institute program.

  1. Complete the CCCP Scholar Program application HERE
  2. Create/ Update UC Transfer Admission Planner (UC TAP) account HERE

Additional Information and Assistance

You can contact UCLA CCCP Scholars Program office at (310) 267-4445 during office hours (M-F 9 AM-6 PM) or anytime by email at @email For more information, email Perla Partida at @email, the Program Coordinator and/or connect with a staff member from the Transfer Center.

They will be also hosting a series of webinars starting June 27th – August 20th 2022.

Are your students interested in studying at UCLA for the summer? Now you can, click to the link to find out more at Home - UCLA Summer Sessions

Contact Us

Hours and Location

*Subject to Change*
Monday - Thursday: 10:00AM - 3:00PM (Drop-In)
Friday: Appointment Only
Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Transfer Center will be closed:

New Year's Day: January 1
Martin Luther King Day: January 15
President's Day: February 16 and February 19
Cesar Chavez Day: March 29
Memorial Day: May 27
Juneteenth: June 19
Independence Day: July 4

Student Services Building, 2nd Floor, Window #25
855 N. Vermont Avenue. Los Angeles, California 90029


Cranium Cafe (Virtual Chat): Drop-In Lobby
E-mail: @email
​​​Phone: 323-953-4000 Ext: 2215


Charnnel Ellis, Transfer Center Director/Counselor
Email: @email

Anna Go, Student Services Assistant
Email: @email

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