Graduation Checklist

Step 1: Official Transcripts and/or Test Scores

If using extenal courses (outside LACCD), external exams (AP, IB or CLEP) or course substitution (with departmet chair approval), all official documents need to be on file with LACC Admissions and Records.

Step 2: Meet with an Academic Counselor

Meet with an academic counselor to prepare for the submission of a Petition to Graduate form.

Step 3: Graduation Petition

Log-in to portal to make sure your student personal infomation such as name is correct in the system. This info will be used by the Counselor to the graduation petition.

Step 4: Commencement Ceremony

Students who meet the eligibility requirements to graduate will be invited to participate in the Commencement Ceremony held the first week of June.

Step 5: Degree Posting

Upon successful completion of all required courses, the Admissions and Records office will send an email notification to inform students of degree posting on college transcript and availability of graduation diploma for pickup.

Important Information

  • Upon successful completion of thirty-six (36) degree applicable units, a student should file a graduation petition to advance as a candidate to graduate with an Associate degree.
  • Students have the option to graduate in December or June. However, the commencement ceremony is held in June only.
  • The deadline to file for graduation is listed on the Academic Calendar.
  • After the established graduation deadlines, students may submit a graduation petition completed by an academic counselor. However, student participation in the commencement ceremony and inclusion of name in the graduation booklet cannot be guaranteed.
  • For students graduating in December, the transcript degree posting and availability of diploma will be in February.
  • For students graduating in June, the transcript degree posting and availability of diploma will be in September.

Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

Los Angeles City College
855 N. Vermont Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90029

Student Services Building, 2nd Floor


Enrollment Questions?
Student Services Building, Room 180
Please contact the Welcome Center

Phone: (323) 953-4000 ext 2455