LACC Facilities Building

Philosophy Club

LACC Philosophical Society

Please join us for lively discussions on a wide variety of philosophical issues. Philosophy experience is not required. For meeting information, please contact Prof. Pak (@email)

Previous Topics:

  • "How is Social Media Changing our World?...And is it Good?"
  • Are humans inherently good, evil or neutral?
  • Plato's Allegory of the Cave
  • Skepticism: What can we know about the world? Can we know anything about it? Is there a world? Is truth attainable?
  • Scientism: Knowledge only comes from science.
  • The Ethics of Suicide
  • Do we possess free will or is life controlled by external forces?
  • Aesthetics: Are beauty and humor subjective or objective?
  • What is consciousness?
  • What is the philosophical distinction between man and woman?
  • "Faith and Kierkegaard"
  • "Is ignorance bliss?”
  • Aesthetics

Course Descriptions

College Catalog
Class Schedules

Contact Us


Holmes Hall 200C


Julio Torres, Department Chair
Phone: (323) 953-4000 Ext. 2763