Frequently Asked Questions

Click here to reset your password

(This feature can be used only if you have previously registered, or recorded, your password and have a Student ID.)

  1. To change your pin you can use the Student Information System (SIS) portal 
  2. Go to the student portal where you access your registration and grading information. You can access this from the college sites or from the district site.
  3. Log in to the portal d. Click on “Change Pin” on the left navigation menu
  4. Create a new pin and click submit

Contact the Admissions and Records office. They can assist you in identifying your email address.

OneDrive is the cloud based collaboration center where you upload and store files, use Microsoft office products such as Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint.

Visit the OneDrive Help Center to get various different information OneDrive and its capabilities.

You will get 10 GB of storage for your email.

You will get 25GB of storage space in the cloud.

Your email storage space is separate from your OneDrive storage space. This space can be used for uploading and creating new files using the OneDrive options.

If you reach the maximum limit of 10GB for your email, you will not be able to receive any more emails until the mailbox is cleaned up.

Contact Us

Office Hours and Location

Mondays to Fridays: 8:00AM - 7:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed


SIS Password Reset
Phone: (844) 695-2223

Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 7:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed

Need IT Help?
Email: @email
Phone: (888) 930-5222

LACC Hotline
If you have a question and are uncertain who to contact, send an email to: @email