Student Group Walking for School

FYE Academic Planning Session and More!

LACC is reformatting how we offer services to new incoming students while still staying true to the mission of our college. FYE will be modifying our onboarding experience for incoming students as well as offering virtual opportunities to engage with our campus. Incoming FYE students must also register for an FYE orientation and you can find out more information about that below.


Weekly FYE Academic Planning Session

One of the requirements for all incoming students is to meet with a counselor and those who are part of FYE must meet with a counselor from the program. In order for new students to create an educational plan with the FYE Counselor, you must join a FYE Academic Planning Session sessions offered via Zoom application (more information on Zoom below). The weekly sessions will offered be as follows:


Click here to download the FYE Educational Planning Worksheet used during the meeting.

Stay Connected with LACC on Instagram

Instagram is a very popular way to connect with us online. We are constantly updating and posting online so check out these informative and fun Instagrams!

  • FYE Program: @cityfye
  • LACC: @lacitycollege
  • Outreach Program: @laccoutreach
  • Academic Counseling: @laccacademiccounseling

Connecting with Resources via Cranium Cafe Live Chat

All Remote Student Services are now being handled through Cranium Café. ConexEd's Cranium Cafe is a video conferencing application that has provided a place for students to engage with important campus resources while everyone works remotely. Students are able to live chat with services, such as FYE, all in one place!

All LACC students who have a student ID and email address from LACC are welcome to engage. For more information on how to get connected, visit the Remote Student Services website by clicking on this link.

Office Hours

In-Person / Online
Mondays to Thursdays: 8:00AM - 4:00PM
Fridays: 8:00AM - 1:30PM
Saturdays to Sundays: Closed