LACC students standing next to a poster presentation

Welcome to the Physics & Engineering Department

The Physics & Engineering Department offers courses to fulfil general education requirements in Natural Sciences as well as transfer preparation for engineers, scientists, and life science majors. The department offers an AS-T degree in Physics, and AS degrees in Physics and Engineering.

Our courses have high success rates and STEM students can find support through the MESA program. Many of our courses have zero textbook costs.

We offer extracurricular activities through our NASA-California Space Grant affiliated undergraduate research experiences program and Astronomy Club

The department annually offers a number of merit-based scholarships.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Los Angeles City College Physics & Engineering Department is to provide high quality educational experiences and opportunities to all students interested to study and take classes in the fields of Physics, Engineering, Astronomy and/or Physical Science. In particular, the Physics & Engineering Department, supports students planning to pursue further studies in science and engineering by offering a complete set of classes that fulfill the lower division course requirements for Physics and Engineering majors. Additionally, the Physics & Engineering Department offers a variety of general education classes that provide students with a broad overview and give the flavor of the subject, while meeting the graduation and transfer requirement of a science with a lab for students who do not plan to major in a science or engineering field.

Physics & Engineering Department


We are located in the Sciences Building 222D.


Dr. Jayesh Bhakta, Department Chair
Phone: (323) 953-4000 Ext. 2923